What Goes Into Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is essentially taking care of any maintenance on a vehicle in order to prevent a major auto repair from occurring. The easiest way to prevent more costly repairs is to keep up with your car’s general maintenance needs as time goes on. Whatever you do, don’t neglect your vehicle’s general maintenance needs, as it is the number one way to waste your money on your car! Regular minimal investments in your car’s preventive maintenance will go a long way towards avoiding larger, more costly repairs in the future.

From the moment you begin driving your car, you’re already putting wear and tear on its various parts and components. From the normal commute to long road trips, driving in general will slowly eat away at your vehicle, causing an eventual need for auto repairs. That being said, each new model of car that comes out also comes with a preventive maintenance schedule as dictated by the manufacturer. This can be found in the owner’s manual, and when followed, can help ensure that your car is always running at its best.

Each car’s preventive maintenance schedule is created specifically for its make and model and will cover an array of different vehicle inspections and adjustments. When you bring your vehicle into Auto Excel, our dedicated auto mechanics will determine where your car is at on its preventive maintenance schedule and perform all necessary checks. Depending on what needs your car has, we’ll check out its steering, suspension, fluids, filters, belts, hoses, and much more. Whatever maintenance we perform, our staff will ensure that you are kept in the loop from start to finish. We pride ourselves on the level of care we offer our clients and want to make sure you’re satisfied when you leave us!

No matter the make or model, if you think it’s time for a comprehensive auto inspection or some much-needed auto repair and maintenance, it’s time to give us a call or make your appointment online with Auto Excel in Lexington today! You can find us at 271 Gold Rush Rd Suite 1, Lexington, KY 40503. See you soon!

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