Showing Gratitude For Our Cars

November is here at last… with autumn at its peak, in the U.S., we start to prepare for the holiday season with our first big occasion, Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving began 400 years ago this year, when the pilgrims on the Mayflower saw the Atlantic coastline and joined together to read Psalm 100 to commemorate the moment.

That little ceremony became the basis for our annual feast, to give thanks. The pilgrims endured a rough 65-day crossing of the Atlantic in search of religious freedom, and nearly turned back halfway into the voyage. It’s easy to see why they gave thanks for their arrival on solid land again.

We suspect that this Thanksgiving will be a very emotional one. While Kentucky has thankfully not been hit as hard by COVID19 as other states, it’s still something we had to contend with and many of us have not seen loved ones all summer. Here’s hoping we all get to sit down together for the holidays and enjoy time together again within our extended families.

And I’m sure we all have a lot to be thankful for. We’ve been thankful at Auto Excel for our customers and their continued support during this difficult time, which kept us going during the shutdown period. We’re thankful for our surviving family and friends. We’re thankful to still have our homes and our jobs.

We hope you are as thankful for your car as we have been. We so often take for granted our vehicles, especially since work-from-home protocols meant most of us were driving in less. In the midst of a pandemic, our cars became a safe place to take off our masks between stops, and helped us get the supplies we needed together for our families. Think of all the people who couldn’t get food and ordered delivery from take-out restaurants. Think of the fleets of police cars, fire department trucks, and other emergency vehicles that needed to run right during that time.

We owe our cars some reciprocation of the love they showed us this summer. Here’s a few ideas for how we can show gratitude to our cars:

  • Consolidate your trips. Save your errands and make one run instead of several. It will mean less wear and tear on your car, and less chance of an accident.
  • Get a Car Wash and Vacuum. This sounds almost comical, but there’s some science behind it. The inside of your car can accumulate allergens, so cleaning inside protects you. The outside collects dirt and grit that can wind up inside your fuel system and cause damage over time, so cleaning off the car (and your car’s air intakes) can help protect the life of your vehicle.
  • Chill out. Are you angry and cursing a lot in traffic lately due to the pressures and the increasing traffic? If you are, try to relax and let little slights and annoyances go with a laugh. The less you let someone make you angry over a traffic violation, the safer you can drive. And it’s better to make your car a gentle place for you and your family.

In case you hadn’t noticed… all of these ideas will help save you money over time. Consolidating trips saves gas… Cleaning your car keeps you out of the hospital and your car out of the shop… chilling out means you’re less likely to have to deal with being in an accident and damaging your car. At Auto Excel, we hope that you and your car will come back to see us again and again, safely and happily.

No matter the make or model, if you think it’s time for a comprehensive auto inspection or some much-needed auto repair and maintenance, it’s time to give us a call or make your appointment online with Auto Excel in Lexington today! You can find us at 271 Gold Rush Rd Suite 1, Lexington, KY 40503. See you soon!

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