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Preparing For The New Year

December 9, 2024||Blog|3.1 min|
Preparing For The New Year

With the arrival of December, we’re in the final stretch of 2020. It’s been a hard year for most. We lost an entire summer due to the pandemic and we’re still largely dealing with it on a daily basis. Our election should have been decided last month but continues to take up the news cycle. And the isolation of sheltering has put us all in a bit of a funk.

I really wish I could be more positive about 2021, given that we managed to get out of 2020, but unfortunately, I can’t. We’re heading for a recession and may not be able to course correct for a long time. And the pandemic seems to be depressing many of us at a rate greater than we can process. We’re long overdue for some good news.

It would be a bit reckless to plan big events and gathering at this time. Many engaged couples will wind up postponing their wedding plans in 2021, or doing smaller, more intimate services, to prevent spreading COVID-19. The usual big holidays will once again be an issue for us. Until an inexpensive COVID-19 vaccine makes it to the market, we have to consider the danger of what we’re doing and rethink our planning for 2021. And even if they choose to go against health advice, there’s a chance that events may get cancelled anyways– and be nonrefundable, just as countless Americans are losing their jobs.

Here are four things we can plan ahead in 2021 that may help us cope if nothing changes:

  • Work on your family. Instead of thinking about what the uncertainty is costing us, we can seize the opportunity to plan monthly events and competitions the whole family can enjoy, that get us out in the world for just a little bit. Games and competitions can help. Catalog the strengths and joys of your kids and let them enter the score of their favorite video game against your relatives in far-off corners.
  • Make a great vacation at a smaller scale. Your family has had to shelter for a long time now. Even with shops open, we’re seeing a great deal of depression in American life. It’s important to get out of the house, but with recession being a real threat to our lives, it’s hard to plan exotic trips. With COVID-19 still an uncertainty, it’s hard to plan getaways to theme parks and sporting events. Try to take your vacations closer to home, in places there are smaller crowds. Look into national parks in the Lexington area where you can rent cabins for the whole family.
  • Protect your home. You’re likely a bit sick of staring at the same walls for so long. Find a few inexpensive upgrades. Plan a yard sale with the kids to fund the decorations. Small work you do around the house– including a coat of paint– helps protect your home against termites and other issues.
  • Protect your vehicle. Last month I brought up how a car wash can benefit your car’s health and your’s. Take that to heart. And don’t forget, even if you’re driving less, to replace your oil filter at 3000 miles, and let us do an inspection at that time to make sure you know about the issues that you may need to budget for later in 2021!

The next time you need service, consider asking for a comprehensive auto inspection! We’ll give you all the details on where your car is and what to expect in the months ahead. Just give us a call or make your appointment online with Auto Excel in Lexington today! You can find us at 271 Gold Rush Rd Suite 1, Lexington, KY 40503. See you soon!

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